federation of international lighting designers
Am 21. März 2025 findet die Jahreshauptversammlung der Federation of International Lighting Designers (FILD e. V.) statt. Die Veranstaltung wird von 14:30 bis ca. 17:00 Uhr im Hotel Motel One Würzburg, Paradeplatz 4, 97070 Würzburg, abgehalten.
Neben der persönlichen Teilnahme vor Ort bieten wir auch die Möglichkeit zur Online-Teilnahme, sodass Mitglieder und Interessierte bequem von überall dabei sein können. Die Jahreshauptversammlung ist eine wichtige Gelegenheit, um sich über die aktuellen Entwicklungen des Verbandes auszutauschen und dessen Zukunft zu gestalten.
Wir freuen uns auf eine spannende und konstruktive Versammlung und laden alle Mitglieder ein, an der Diskussion teilzunehmen.
Twelve lighting designers and professors of lighting design founded a new professional association for the lighting design profession on the 03.12.2014 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
The founding members of the FILD „Federation of International Lighting Designers“ agreed on a documented constitution. This document lays the foundation for a new group of professionals who will represent the interests of professional lighting designers in realizing the objectives set out in the association’s constitution.
The association has set the following objectives:
To strengthen and further the establishment of the Lighting designer as a profession.
To lobby for recognition of academic qualifications for the lighting designer.
To lobby for the protection of title for the professional lighting designer.
To represent the profession of lighting design in the public realm.
To establish a recognized fee schedule for professional lighting designers.
To integrate the fee schedule of professional lighting designers in existing national fee structures for the built environment of member states, such as the HOAI in Germany.
To forge a network with national associations throughout Europe with the intention of establishing a united body to promote lighting design profession internationally.
To support educational programs, organize professional lighting design workshops, initiate international technology exchange, knowledge transfer and to provide a platform for creative dialog among international professional lighting designers.
To promote professional partnerships with educational establishments’, colleges, universities and professional trade associations.
To promote professional neutrality with regard to the lighting manufacturers and building industry.
The association is internationally open and invites all interested lighting designers to apply for membership. The FILD offers all former PLDA members and colleagues a new and challenging perspective and invites them to apply for membership. For further information see: www.fild.eu Executive Board Members: President: Erwin Doering Vice President: Helmut Angerer
FILD Founding Members in alphabetical order:
Helmut Angerer
Susanne Brenninkmeijer
Erwin Doering
Markus Felsch
Heinrich Kramer
Michaela Kruse
Uli Jetzt
Rudi Neumann-Leimgruber
Ruairí O’Brien
Michael Schmidt
Beate Schulte
Reinhard Vedder
Further Founding Member:
Frank Vetter